Sample Interview Questions. This page lists some common interview questions for software engineers. Click on the question to see its answer. Java Program To Calculate Square Root Of A Number' title='Java Program To Calculate Square Root Of A Number' />In this part of the Java tutorial, we cover expressions in Java. We mention various types of operators and describe precedence and associativity rules in expressions. The technical interview is perhaps the most intimidating and. The rigor and format of the technical interview varies. An interviewer presents you with a problem to be. The interviewer may leave the room and give you some time to. Sulfur belongs to the chalcogen family. Other members of the family are oxygen, selenium, tellurium, and polonium. These elements make up Group. C Programs C programs are more easy than c programs. In this tutorial I will show to how to write all basic C programs in simple way. Or the interviewer may wait. The. interviewer may even start quizzing you right away about aspects of. Some of these problems can. To make matters worse, simply getting the. On the other. hand, getting the correct answer may not even be necessary. To assist you with various types of calculations, the java. Math. In this class are the most commonly needed operations in mathematics. AveragesRoot mean square You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know. Introduction This selfguided course gives numeric examples of the basic calculations that a slide rule can do. Just follow the stepbystep instructions and you will. Ggy8IuIQEsA/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Java Program To Calculate Square Root Of A Number' title='Java Program To Calculate Square Root Of A Number' />Java Program To Calculate Square Root Of A NumberSample Interview Questions Interview Questions. This page lists some common interview questions for software engineers. Questions. Click on the question to see its. What is. an interviewer looking for in candidates during the technical. Interviewers recognize that this setting is, by its very. Otherwise competent candidates may be completely. Interviewers may be interested in seeing. It is. worth noting that interviewers are more interested in seeing how you. In. this article, I will deal with both how you can better showcase your. These basic rules are often taught to programmers and are or at any. For some reason, however, they are easily forgotten during. Being one of the few candidates careful and. Dont be afraid to ask for clarifications of the problem or the. You should never assume that you have been given all the data. This is especially likely to be the case when. IT consulting companies. In this environment, the. So, the reasoning goes, ideal candidates will be. The ideal candidate will ask these questions rather than spend. The first thing to do, then, is to make sure that you. Make all of your assumptions explicit. If the interviewer stays in the room after presenting the problem, he. Of interest are how possible solutions are considered and. And frankly, watching a candidate sit and stare at a. Always allow. sufficient time for design. The worst thing that you can do while. This is where a little forethought can save a. Dont worry about running out. The idea, the algorithm, and the approach are the most. If youre having trouble writing the code. Stress and anxiety can make the. If you find. yourself having difficulty with programming syntax or constructs, you. While its best to get both the algorithm. Be. prepared to identify bottlenecks, possible optimizations, and. Just because youve found one solution that. Interviewers, hinting at possible. Occasionally, you may take. At this point, an. This. doesnt mean that youve done anything wrong very often, an. The interviewer may be intending to ask follow up. Initialize all variables, give variables descriptive names, and always. Interviewers may be watching your solutions to determine whether you. Good programming practices make it. This means that there arent. Just because you. Commenting code for an interview may seem like a waste of time. Candidates forget to do this frighteningly often. In fact, practicing. Thats how bugs get. You should verify that your code properly handles cases where. NULL. This is also a good habit to have after you get the. Expect bad input from users. Users rarely do as they are. You should protect your code, and return a descriptive error. Display enthusiasm. Dont underestimate the. While. your skills and experience may be the focus of the technical. In addition to these basic rules for the technical interview, there. Interviewers dont always. This means that the. Dont. hesitate to point out experiences working in teams whether as a part. Interviewers are. When these. past experiences werent successful, you should point out the lessons. Interviewers. want to see that candidates who have had negative experiences are not. When preparing for a technical interview, you should review basic. Having a mastery of these topics will. Also, review the areas. If youre interviewing for a systems. OS scheduling algorithms, and memory allocation. If youre. interviewing for a job that requires experience with an object. Fortunately, some of the same problems come up with surprising. Even if a given interviewer doesnt use any of the problems. I present here, studying them should give you insight into solving. The specific details of your interview will, of course, depend on a. Still, if you generalize and. Ive presented here, you should be well on your way to. The cut plane should pass through the center of the two rectangles. Since any plane passing. Many solutions Bit vector, sorting. The answer is many points. The set of such points is given as North pole, special circle. From north pole, walking one mile south followed by. North pole. The special circle consists of a set of points defined as follows. Lets say you were to locate a spot near the South Pole. Earths North South axis is 1 mile. The path of such a journey would create a circle. C2. r. pi. Call this. X. Now consider another point Y one mile north of X. The special circle is the circular path around North South axis. Y. If you begin you journey from any point say Y1 on this. X1. on the circle of point X. Now one mile east will bring you back to X1, because circumference of. X is 1 mile. Then one mile North brings you back to Y1. Answer supplied by Kristie Boman. The answer is that you need to store all possible configurations of. Then it boils. down to just accessing the right element and getting the corresponding. Do some analysis and do some more optimization in storage. All three should move in the same direction clockwise or anticlockwise. Probability is 14. Total time is 211. Take one pill from first, two from second, three from third and so. Total pills are nn12 and should weigh 1. If it weighs. x gm less than that then the xth jar is contaminated, since we took x. If distance is X miles between NY and LA, then it takes X1. X1. 52. 0 5. X7 miles in that time. Answer is 0, because X X is present in the product. Please see this courtesy Ivan Yu. The basic idea is to draw one quadrant and replicate it to other four. Assuming the center is given as x,y and radius as r. X from xr down to x and start Y from y up to. In the iteration, keep comparing is the equation is satisfied. If not then re adjust. Apparently the if then else solution has a jump when written. There is a logical, arithmetic and a datastructure soln to the above. Pretty simple if you know some assembly and some fundaes on number. Multiply by 8 left shift by 3 bits and then subtract the number. This is a typical, can you program warm up question. Example 1 shows. the iterative and recursive solutions. Notice that in both solutions. I check the input values and boundary conditions. Factorials of. negative numbers are undefined, and the factorial of both 0 and 1 are. The functions in Example 1 handle these cases correctly, and they. Example 2 contains both the iterative and recursive solutions. The. iterative version maintains variables to hold the last two values in. Fibonacci sequence, and uses them to compute the next. Again, boundary conditions and inputs are checked. The 0th. number in the Fibonacci sequence is defined as 0. The first number in. Return 1 if a negative number is passed. The recursive version of the Fibonacci function works correctly, but. There are. however, other ways to write this function recursively in C that are. For instance, you could maintain static variables or. Given a char pointer, strlen determines the number of chars in a. The first thing that your strlen implementation ought to do. Dont forget the case where the. What about the. case where the pointer is equal to NULLThis is a case where you. In many implementations, the real. This self guided course gives numeric examples of the basic calculations that a slide. Sims 3 Helicopter. Just follow the step by step instructions and you will be. Slipstick. Click on any of. Images created from Emulators designed by Derek Ross. Initial examples based on Dereks Self Guided demo and expanded by Mike Konshak. No Slide rule handy You can start up this Virtual Slide Rule opens in new window  to try. Hint Teachers can use a computer projector to manipulate the slide rule. Want to try a real Slide Rule Participate in our School Loaner Program. Sets of up to 2. 5 slide rules are available FREE of charge for teachers to use in class. A Brief Timeline of the Slide Rule. Invention of logarithms by John Napier, Baron of Merchiston. Scotland. 1. 61. 7 Developments of logarithms to base 1. Henry Briggs. Professor of Mathematics, Oxford University. Interpretation of. Edmund Gunter, Professor of Astronomy, London. Invention of the slide rule by the Reverend William Oughtred, London. Development of the moving slidefixed stock principle by Seth Partridge. Surveyor and Mathematician, England. Development of the slide rule. John Robertson of the Royal Academy. Invention of the log. P. M. Roget of France. Amde Mannheim, France. Dennert Pape. Germany, introduce white celluloid as a material for inscription of. William Cox of the United States patented the duplex slide rule. Engine divided scales on celluloid increases. The final slide rule made by K E donated to the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC. USA. Today, slide rules can be found on e. Bay, antique stores and estate auctions. Lost inventories of brand new slide rules turn up every year. Was there Life. Before Computers Calculations before. We Went Digital. Teaching Aid on the history of mathematics by Nicola Marras, Italy 1. MB pdf. Parts of a Slide Rule. Reading the Scales. The scales on a slide rule are logarithmic, in that the spacing between divisions the lines on the scale. This is why the slide rule is able to do multiplication and division. Compare the two sets of offset scales. Figure B. In both cases the left index X 1 or C 1 is placed over the first whole. Y 2 or D 2. On a linear scale the value of any number on the X. Y is increased by 1. On a logarithmic scale, the value on any. C scale as read on the D scale becomes a multiple of the number. William Oughtred discovered the above characteristic in 1. Edmund Gunter. alongside each other. Thus the slide rule was born. At this point it is best to just describe how to read the scales. On almost all slide rules, the black scales A, B, C, D, K, etc. The red scales, or inverse scales. CI, DI, increase from right to left. The pocket sized Pickett 6. ES will be used in most illustrations. The full. sized Pickett N3 T for others. By the way, the Pickett 6. T white was taken by the. Apollo 1. 1 NASA astronauts to the moon. Except for folded, trig or Log scales, each scale begins. C and D scales are single logarithmic 1 1. The A and B scales are double logarithmic. K scale being triple logarithmic 1 1. The Primary divisions are whole numbers. The secondary divisions divide the Primary by 1. Tertiary divisions divide the secondary by 5. Of course as you get to the end of each scale the divisions get so close together that the tertiary divisions. The scales on each side of a slide rule are aligned so that. Its important to become familiar with not only the physical divisions as marked on the scales, but in becoming able to. Positions of the slide and cursor shown in the examples will mention the label of the scale. C at 1. 5 will be referenced as C 1. In mathematics, extrapolation is the process of constructing new data points outside a discrete. It is similar to the process of interpolation. Ref en. wickipedia. Multiplication. 1. Simple Multiplication uses C and D scales. Example calculate 2. Figure 1 Slide the leftmost Index 1 on C over 2. D scale. Move the cursor to 3. C scale. The cursor is on the D scale just a bit over 7. This is the answer. Wrap Around Multiplication uses C and D scalesExample 2a calculate 2. Figure 2a Move the left Index on C to 2. D scale. Try to move the cursor to 4. C scale. The cursor is blocked by. The target C 4. 5 is off the D scale. The right Index must now be used. Example 2b calculate 2. Figure 2b Move the right Index on C C 1 to over 2. D scale D 2. 3 Slide the cursor to 4. C scale C 4. 5 On the D scale, youll see that the hairline is between divisions. Extrapolate the answer to 1. Do a rough approximation by rounding 2. We mentally calculate 2 5 1. Folded Scale Multiplication uses C, D, CF and DF scales. Example 3 calculate 2. Figure 3 Slide the leftmost Index, 1,  on C over the 2. D scale. D 2. 3. We cant move the cursor to 4. C scale its out of. We can use the folded scales to get this answer. Move the cursor to 4. CF scale CF 4. 5. The cursor is now at 1. DF scale DF 1. 0. We know the correct answer is near 2 5 1. Multiplication by uses D and DF scalesExample 4 calculate 1. Figure 4 Move the cursor to 1. D scale. The cursor is now at 3. DF scale. We know that the correct answer is near 1. Division. 5. Simple Division uses C and D scales. Example 5 calculate 4. Figure 5Move the cursor to 4. D scale. Slide 7. C scale to the cursor. Move the cursor to either the leftmost or rightmost 1 on the C. In this case, you would move it to the. The cursor is now at 5. D scale. We know that the correct answer is near 48 0. Reciprocal uses C and CI scalesExample 6 calculate the reciprocal of 7. Figure 6Move the cursor to 7. CI scale. Note that the CI scale. The cursor is now at 1. C scale. We know that the correct answer is near 11. Trigonometry. 7. Sinx for angles between 5. S and C scales. Example 7 calculate sin3. Figure 7 Move the cursor to 3. S scale. The cursor is at 5. C scale. We know that the correct answer for a sin in this range is. Cosx for angles between 5. S and C scalesExample 8 calculate cos3. Figure 8 The cos scale shares the sin S scale. Instead of increasing. This is indicated on the slide rule by lt characters which. Move the cursor to lt 3. S scale. The cursor is now at 8. C scale. We know that the correct answer for a cos in this range is. Tanx for angles between between 5. T and C scales. Example 9 calculate tan3. Figure 9. Move the cursor to 3. T scale. The cursor is now at 6. C scale. We know that the correct answer for a tan in this range is. Tanx for angles between between 4. T and CI scaleExample 1. Figures 1. 0a and 1. Move the cursor to lt 6. T scale. Note that this range. The cursor is now at lt 1. DI scale. Figure 1. If you flip to the other side the cursor is also at lt 1. CI scale. Figure 1. We know that the correct answer for a tan in this range is. Tanx for angles between between 4. T and C scaleExample 1. Figure 1. 1Move the cursor to 6. T scale. This scale. The cursor is now at 1. C scale. We know that the correct answer for a tan in this range is. Sinx and tanx for angles between 0. ST and C scales. In this range, the sin and tan functions are very close in value, so a. Example calculate sin1. Figure 1. 2Move the cursor to 1. ST scale. The cursor is now at 2. C scale. We know that the correct answer for a sin in this range is. Sinx and tanx for other small angles using C and D scales. For small angles, the sin or tan function can be approximated closely. Knowing this, the calculation becomes a simple division. This technique. can also be used on rules without an ST scale.