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First of all wed like to use the opportunity to thank everyone who have contributed to the aircraft sortie rate discussions since the early 1. Your input has been a tremendous help pointing us in the right direction, enabling us to implement a highly realistic sortie rate model for the Command Modern Air Naval Operations simulator. Table of Contents. Harpoon Classic air hyperactivity unlimited munitions. Sims 3 Helicopter' title='Sims 3 Helicopter' />Harpoon 2 air hyperactivity munitions limitations. Harpoon 3 Custom Ready Times. Command Identifying the next logical step. Surge Operations Vs. Sustained Operations. Scenario design setting up a squadron for Surge Ops. Scenario design setting up a squadron for Sustained Ops. Alpha Strikes. Limiting Factors. Typical ready times and airborne times. Doctrine Settings. Manually configuring the number of sorties to fly. Backwards Compatibility. Scenario design Persian Gulf War 1. Update Usb Root Hub Driver Windows 7. Close Air Support using A 1. A Thunderbolt IIScenario design Six Day War 1. Operation Moked airbase interdiction and CASScenario design Yom Kippur War 1. Day 1 CAS, Day 2 air superiority strikes and CASTempo Surge Operations Quick Turnaround Fighters and ASWTempo Surge Operations Quick Turnaround Enabled. Tempo Sustained Operations Quick Turnaround Enabled. Tempo Sustained Operations Quick Turnaround Disabled. USS Enterprise vs USS Ranger, 1. Air Operations at RNAS Yeovilton. Six Day War Israel vs Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Yom Kippur War Israel vs Egypt and Syria. What is a sortieWhat does sortie rate mean What is an Alpha Strike I do not agree with the ready times in Command. What can I do about it Introduction. The heated aircraft sortie rates discussion started more than two decades ago with Command Modern Air Naval Operations predecessor, Larry Bonds Harpoon series of naval warfare games. In order to understand this subject and the years of research that has gone into it by the Command developers it might be a good idea to look at how aircraft ready times and logistics modeling have evolved from the initial computer version of Harpoon to the very latest CMANO upgrade. Harpoon Classic aircraft hyperactivity unlimited munitions. When computer Harpoon was first released in December 1. This was a fundamentally flawed approach that would plague the game for the next 1. The 3. 0 minute setting was absurdly small for most missions that require significant pre flight preparation. This was particularly true for strikebombing missions where attention and effort must be dedicated to the coordination with other cooperative elements such as fighter escorts, airborne early warning, electronic warfare and SEAD. The result was that aircraft became too omni present and too omnipotent for other scenario units like ships, subs and land units to matter. It should be remembered here that Harpoon was intended to be a wargame of modern combined tacticaloperational air naval warfare, not Flight Commander as an example with a naval element strapped in as an afterthought. But the unrealistic air hyperactivity combined with unlimited aircraft weapons made airpower a near invincible tool. The outcome of almost all scenarios were determined on which side had the most formidable air assets. A common Blue side tactic was to simply shuttle your carrier borne strikers back and forth in a take off get to launch distance launch Harpoons get back to carrier cyclic motion until the Red CVBGSAG ran out of surface to air missiles SAMs and countermeasures. No real strategy, no real effort, no complex time on target planning or attempt for a surprise attack or a multi axis saturation, just a pre determined exercise in attrition. One could almost lay back and calculate when his air assets would break through the defenses. The same held true for the Red side. In scenarios where the Soviets had lots of missile armed naval bombers and some good escorts they could simply do the take off launch stand off ASMs land dance all day long. This essentially meant that the side with the stronger air assets would win almost every time. Developers note While many airpower enthusiasts may find nothing abnormal to this result, actual combat operations have proven differently. Air power effectiveness, though significant, has often been inflated to mythic proportions. More on that below. Harpoon 2 air hyperactivity munitions limitations. In Harpoon 2 and by extension, early versions of Harpoon 3 this situation was partially remedied by enabling aircraft logistics. This optional and buggy feature limited the ordnance available to air assets. It thus solved the unfair situation of unlimited airborne weapons versus finite surface borne weapons SAMs and decoys. However, while this improvement to some extent eliminated the attrition mindset, it still did not solve the problem that, even with limited ammo, aircraft still remained hyperactive and would quickly dominate a scenario. This had two implications The frantic take off launch missiles land dance of Harpoon Classic continued, the difference now being that at some point the aircraft would eventually stop when running out of weapons. But there was nothing that would prevent the player from continuing the bombardment by switching weapons from high end missiles to lower end laser guided bombs LGBs and eventually iron bombs. It was almost impossible for surface assets land sea to avoid being monitored by reconnaissance aircraft almost continuously in real life it is perfectly feasible to avoid both aircraft and satellite surveillance, simply exploiting the gaps in their availability. Airpower, while great for delivering ordnance, is not limited to the strike role equally useful are its surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, and these are limited by sortie rates, not by ammo figures. Thus the aircraft logistics option did not prevent air assets from having an unrealistically high time in the air and providing much more complete area coverage than they would do in real life operations For example, with two or three Tu 9. RT Bear D aircraft, and with the standard 3. Soviet player could be guaranteed virtually round the clock coverage of a general sea area. In reality, even with 3. HFDF stations, sea going SIGINT spy trawlers AGIs, HUMINT assets, tattle tale destroyers and even satellites, the Soviet Navy still had considerable coverage gaps even close to its operating areas, gaps which could be exploited. Harpoon 3 Custom Ready Times. By the time Harpoon had reached its third generation it was time to tackle the fundamental problem of unrealistic aircraft availability. A way to show the end business difference between a hangar queen and a mud fighter. A way to show why many aircraft designers go to extraordinary lengths and make important performance sacrifices in their designs in order to make them more serviceablemaintainable. And a way to show how many invisible factors like ground crew proficiency, base ground equipment, airframesystems complexity and built in maintainability features can critically affect the end result how often the aircraft will be up there, doing their job. In the discussions between the Harpoon 3 developer Jesse Spears and members of the Harpoon. HQ. com website now Warfare.