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Order Of Bridesmaids In Wedding Program. Where Gamers Call Home. Shock 2 box art, showing a Little Sister atop the games protagonist Subject Delta. Developers2. K Marin. Publishers2. K Games. DirectorsJordan Thomas. ProducersMelissa Miller. DesignersZak Mc. Clendon. WritersJordan Thomas. ComposersGarry Schyman. Series. Bio. Shock. Engine. Unreal Engine 2. PlatformsRelease. February 9, 2. 01. Microsoft Windows, Play. Station 3, Xbox 3. OS XPlay. Station 4, Xbox One. NA September 1. 3, 2. AU September 1. 5, 2. EU September 1. 6, 2. GenresFirst person shooter. ModesSingle player, multiplayer. Bio. Shock 2 is a first person shootervideo game developed by 2. Game Parasite Eve 2 Pc' title='Game Parasite Eve 2 Pc' />K Marin and published by 2. K Games. It is the sequel to the 2. Bio. Shock and was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, the Play. How To Install Trailer Bearing Buddy Maintenance there. Station 3, and the Xbox 3. February 9, 2. 01. Feral Interactive released an OS X version of the game on March 3. Set in the fictional underwater dystopian city of Rapture, the games story takes place eight years after the events of the first Bio. Shock. Assuming control of Subject Delta, a hulking Big Daddy, players are tasked with fighting through splicers, the psychotic human population of the city, using weapons and an array of genetic modifications. The game also introduces a story driven multiplayer mode called Fall of Rapture, which takes place during Raptures 1. Bio. Shock 2 was mainly developed by 2. K Marin, with 2. K Australia, Arkane Studios, and Digital Extremes providing additional support. K Boston, formerly Irrational Games, also assisted the games development, with series creator Ken Levine providing input. The story received major changes over the course of development. Garry Schyman, the composer of the first game, returned to create the score for Bio. Shock 2. The game received critical acclaim upon release, with praise particularly directed at the games narrative, art style, characters, ending and gameplay. However, the game attracted criticism for having a slow start and being too similar to its predecessor. The game was supported with downloadable content upon launch, and a new single player campaign, titled Minervas Den, was released in August 2. The game sold more than 3 million copies, but did not meet Take Two Interactives sales expectations. A third title, Bio. Shock Infinite, developed by Irrational Games, was released in 2. A remastered version of the game was released on Microsoft Windows, Play. Station 4 and Xbox One on September 1. Bio. Shock The Collection, along with Bio. Shock and Bio. Shock Infinite. SynopsiseditSettingeditBio. Shock 2 is set in the fictional city of Rapture, hidden from the rest of the world underwater. Rapture was the realized vision of Andrew Ryan, who built the city to escape the tyranny of governments. Despite the apparent utopia, class distinctions grew, and former gangster and businessman Frank Fontaine used his influence of the lower class to plan a coup of Rapture. Fontaine created black market routes with the surface world, and together with Dr. Brigid Tenenbaum, created a cheap plasmid industry by mass producing ADAM through the implanting of the slugs in the stomachs of orphaned girls, nicknamed Little Sisters. Fontaine used his plasmid enhanced army to attack Ryan, but reportedly was killed in the battle. Ryan took the opportunity to seize his assets including the plasmid factories. Cotton Patch Gospel Lyrics Chords. In the months that followed, a second figure named Atlas rose to speak for the lower class, creating further strife. Atlas led attacks on the factories housing the Little Sisters, and Ryan countered by creating Big Daddies, plasmid enhanced humans surgically grafted into giant lumbering diving suits who were psychologically compelled to protect the Little Sisters at all costs. Ryan also created his own army of plasmid enhanced soldiers, named Splicers, which he controlled using pheromones distributed through Raptures air system. Tension came to a head on New Years Eve of 1. Atlas ordered an all out attack on Ryan. The battle left many dead, and the few sane survivors barricaded themselves away. What once was a beautiful utopia had fallen into a crumbling dystopia. Bio. Shock 2 opens on New Years Eve 1. Subject Delta patrols Rapture with his Little Sister, Eleanor. Eleanor is separated from Delta by her mother, Sofia Lamb, who uses a mind control plasmid on Delta to make him shoot himself. Ten years later, Delta awakens, revived by Little Sisters under the control of Eleanor. Delta is drawn towards Eleanor by their past Big Daddy Little Sister connection. Brigid Tenenbaum encounters Delta, and explains that unless Delta reunites with Eleanor, he will fall into a coma. With the help of the Little Sisters under Eleanors control and Tenenbaums ally, Augustus Sinclair, Delta makes his way towards Lambs stronghold. Traveling through the city, Delta encounters members of the Rapture family such as Holloway, a singer whom had suffered under Ryans unjust laws against revolt Stanley Poole, a con artist whom had murdered many of the Familys members in Dionysus Square after foolishly trying to cover up his blunders from Lamb and Gil Alexander, a respectful scientist who worked at Fontaine Futuristics before Lamb transformed him into an encased monstrosity of flesh, who he can kill or spare, and learns Lambs plan she seeks to use ADAM to transform Eleanor into a perfect embodiment of her altruistic ideals. Lambs ultimate goal is to have the collected minds and memories of everyone in Rapture become a part of Eleanor through the use of the genetic memory in ADAM, thus making her an Embodiment of the Family which Lamb believes will put an end to The Self. Delta arrives at a containment chamber where Eleanor is held, but Lamb captures him and severs his bond with Eleanor by temporarily stopping her heart. Though Eleanor survives, Delta begins to slowly die as the bond cannot be re established. Using a Little Sister, Eleanor transforms herself into a Big Sister and breaks Delta from confinement. Together they head for an escape pod that Sinclair has arranged to leave Rapture. The two find that Lamb has converted Sinclair into Subject Omega, declaring that Delta should be what Sinclair is now, and Delta is forced to finish him off. After a final climactic showdown with the remnants of The Rapture Family in order to buy time for Eleanor to prepare the pod, Delta is forced to flood the area and escape in his suit. Eleanor and Delta make it to the escape pod but a bomb set by Lamb leaves Delta mortally wounded. Eleanor teleports and reaches the escape pod before the bomb blows, while Delta manages to grab onto the pods side and climb aboard as it rises. The games ending depends on how the player interacted with the Little Sisters, and the fates of non player characters Holloway, Poole and Alexander within the game. Eleanor can save Sofia Lamb or allow her to die, depending on whether the player spared or executed the non player characters. If Delta rescued all of the Little Sisters he will breathe his last breath in Eleanors arms, the weather will be sunny and clean, then she will absorb his personality and memories and leave Rapture with the Little Sisters to change the world for the better, dropping the doll that one of the little sisters give her in the ocean, which slightly resembles Delta, in order to mourn his death, and to make his death count.