Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. The Official Eric Carle Web Site. Submitted by Faye Kirchhoff. When I read this book the hardbound edition to my 3 year old, 5 years ago. It then gave me the idea to get a piece of red fabric. I immediately sew it into a caterpillar. With that we had a. We also play. hide and seek and peek a boo as the plush caterpillar went thru the holes. This toy gave us hours of story play. Submitted by Mush. How To Install Internet Explorer 11 Without Sp1 Windows. I am a substitute teacher and have to be prepared when there are no lesson. As a filler, I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and use. Egg Have children hold their ankles. Larva Squirm like a worm. Pupa Crawl into a sleeping bag large pillowcases, leap frog bags with. Butterfly Children pop out of the bag swaying their colorful kerchiefs. Following this, we usually watch The Very Hungry Caterpillar video. Submitted by Karen G. Johnson. Our son is turning one. He didnt gain weight the first two months of his. But he has made up for itThe Middle School Excellence in Education Award went to Social Studies teacher,Brittany Campbell. Brittany was selected because she is a bright spot at the middle. NCTM released Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics last week. I anticipated it would address the gap between the K8 Common Core State Standards, which feel. St. Patricks Day is here, so why not have some fun in your homeschool st patricks day activities Start with Lucky Charms Graphs. AAA Math AAA Math illustrates and provides interactive arithmetic exercises and problems for grades K8. Hundreds of pages of basic math lessons, interactive practice. Now at 2. 5 pounds And he is STIL HUNGRY We decided to use the theme of one of our favorite books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, for his 1st birthday. We have 3 other children. We invited. Very Hungry. Caterpillar turning into a beautiful 1 year old written inside of a. We served a fruit salad like the recipe on your. VQtoCUFdU8/Vv2fJDG7r8I/AAAAAAAAHs0/tYIRtnGr3GAEbDc4mi2johyvplHGDFYMw/s1600/30.jpg' alt='Fruit For Thought Math Activity Middle School' title='Fruit For Thought Math Activity Middle School' />Very Hungry Caterpillar. We had a caterpillar pinata, games catching tissue paper. A long cupcake caterpillar weaving throughout. Thank you, Mr. Carle, for so many wonderful stories, such as this one. Submitted by Jaime Stewart. I am student teaching in a kindergarten class and we are learning beginning. To help the learn the letter and sound of Cc I had the. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I made a circles of green paper and had each of the students draw a picture. Cc. Each of the circles. Concrete Expansion Joint Strip on this page. I told students that our caterpillare. I made the face using a paper circle. This was a great way to assess. Cc words. The students. Cc. words. Submitted by R. Hoon. After reading the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, my first grade. They glued pieces of fabric, string, tissue paper, construction. We mounted each collage. Submitted by Trevor Block. My three year old son loves the book, and has done some activities based on. The other night, after Id finished reading it to him at. Saturday. So. tomorrow morning, were going shopping for chocolate cake, strawberry. I dont think hell get. Im sure well have a ball doing it. Submitted by Shanon Lutz. I teach 3rd grade and use The Very Hungry Caterpillar when teaching. I first read the story and then go through each of the. Egg 2 Caterpillar. Larva 3 Pupa Inside of the cocoon and 4 Adult Butterfly. I give my students. They use yarn. Q tips, tissue paper, and scraps of construction paper to make a 3. D collage. of a butterflys life cycle. The kids love it and they never forget the life. Submitted by Jeanne. I plan to do a problem solving activity with this book. I will ask the children. The Very Hungry Caterpillar eat Submitted by Rose Smart. My Kindergarten class loves to hear The Very Hungry Caterpillar. For. an art experience, we paint caterpillars with biocolor and several color drops. Then, we use a wedge of plastic to fan the colors into a vibrant rainbow caterpillar. When dry, we insert this creature into a large painted fruit. Of course, the. children all refer to this as The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Language Arts. program. Thank you for such a lovely story and please continue to inspire. Submitted by Lisa Carter. I created my own mini version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar for my. On each page is written. Each page is progressively longer, just as in the book. The children. draw in the caterpillar on each page and the cocoon and butterfly on blank. Then the children punch a hole in each food item using. I ask the parents to have their child retell the story using the. This helps reinforce days of the week, counting, and sequencing. Submitted by Darlene Jarosz. I teach 4 and 5 year olds in Virginia. We really love the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. After I read the story, we make caterpillars out of. We paint them green and then add wiggly eyes and pipe. Tekken 3 Game Exe File more. Then the next day we use toilet paper rolls to make cocoons. I have the students paint them and we let them dry. The next day, I give them. After the butterflies have dried, we insert our. Then we pull them out and witness their changes Submitted by Zeder Pough. I am a preschool teacher involved with 3 and 4 year olds. I used The Very Hungry Caterpillar to teach the preschoolers how Caterpillars and Butterflies. The following is a list of things we did in class 1. I read the book using flannel board pieces to represent the items in the. Then I gave each child a flannel board piece and as I read the book. I had the children paint several paper plates different colors. After they. were dry, I stapled the plates together, punched a hole in the top of plates. By stringing the plates together, you can make the catterpillar as long as. I attached two pipe cleaners for the antennae and a large black. For this next activity, you will need two paper towel tubes per child. Let each child paint two empty paper towel tubes any color they want. After. the paint has dried, slit each tube down one side and have children use a. These holes. will be used to attach the tube to the childs lower arm. Lace elastic through. Have children to glue crepe paper streamers to the top. For the antennae, staple a strip of construction. After wings. and antennae are prepared, have the children go outside and run. The crepe. paper streamers will fly from their arms like butterfly wings. Cut out flower shapes from construction paper that will cover paper cups. Fill paper cups with fruit juice, insert a straw into the middle of the paper. I used. this after letting the children fly like butterflies outside. Submitted by Amy D. I am a childrens librarian and have noticed that children love to be. I had some volunteers cut construction paper fruits. A green piece of ribbon with a bead tied to. We have 2. 5 ziploc bags prepared to hand. The children love to have their caterpillar eat the. Submitted by Debbie Nysewander. My kindergarten class learned to recognize their names with the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Instead of eating foods, the students made a. When they. finished they could see the letters that were in their own name. Submitted by Lindsay. I am a student in the College of Education at Arizona State University with. French and German. I am required to volunteer. Last spring, I was in a. German class. I used The Very Hungry Caterpillar Die. Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt to teach students the words for several food. Before I read the story to students, I asked them to write down all. German words that they understood along with their English equivalents. This was an excellent way to test the students comprehension. As I read. I did not show the pictures of the book to the students, so they could not. It was. a fun activity, and it could easily be used with other languages. Submitted by Marisa. I used this book with my insect theme and also in a Grade 2 math class. We. read the book and then I had the children graph the amounts of food that the. To extend this work, I created a. Hungry Caterpillar Word Problems. For example, on Monday 6 hungry caterpillars. Students then had to graph the amount of fruit. The students loved it. Submitted by Melissa. I am going to be a first grade teacher in the fall of 2. In one of my college. I created a Very Hungry Caterpillar bullentin board that kindergarten. I made the foods out of.