Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your OnPage SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not. I work on farms in the fens of East Anglia, UK, where the water table is quite high. Even when there has been no rain, the fields seem dry when tides at the coast are. By Dr. Becker. Today and over the next couple of weeks, Ill be discussing my favorite topic, raw food diets for pets. I want to talk about some of the myths and. In honor of todays big solar eclipse, were serving up a classic Celica Sunchaser for our Nice Price or Crack Pipe challenge. Lets see if its price can send you. Data Becker Web To Date 8 Crackle' title='Data Becker Web To Date 8 Crackle' />The Galt Mile Community Association web resource, one of the most comprehensive in the State of Florida, is continuously evolving to better deliver information. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications IJERA is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research. Should Your Pet Do This By Dr. Becker. Today and over the next couple of weeks, Ill be discussing my favorite topic, raw food diets for pets. I want to talk about some of the myths and truths surrounding raw food diets, but before we get to the good stuff, its important to have a foundation of understanding about basic nutrition. One point that no one argues is that for optimal health to occur, animals must consume the foods they were designed to eat. I call this a species appropriate diet. So vegetarian animals must eat vegetation for optimal health. And carnivorous animals must eat fresh whole prey for optimal health. Data Becker Web To Date 8 CrackedOrigins of Dogs and Cats. A good place to start a discussion of our carnivorous pets is to go back to the roots of the dog and the cat prior to domestication. The domestic dog, whose taxonomic name is Canis lupus familiaris, is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, which is a member of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. Most scientists believe dogs were domesticated from gray wolves about 1. But DNA analysis published in 1. Data suggests dogs first diverged from wolves in East Asia, and these domesticated dogs quickly migrated throughout the world. Of course, humans began selectively breeding dogs to create animals that suited their needs and their likes. The earliest evidence of cat domestication is a kitten that was found buried alongside a human approximately 9,5. Cyprus. Researchers have gained major insights through DNA testing into the evolution of cats by showing how they migrated to new continents and developed new species as the sea levels rose and fell. A 2. 00. 8 study revealed that lines of descent for all house cats, of the species Felis catus, probably came from self domesticating African wild cats up to 1. And as happened with the domesticated dog, humans began breeding cats to suit their fancy. Today, over 8. 0 breeds of cats are recognized by one registry or another. Todays Cats and Dogs are Carnivores Just Like Their Wild Ancestors. Despite humans desire to create certain physical characteristics in dogs and cats this is called their phenotype or how animals look externally their genetic makeup remains essentially the same as their wild ancestors, which should tell you something about the foods they should still be consuming. Of course, all animals are biologically equipped to assimilate and digest foods they were designed to eat. For example, earthworms are naturally designed to process dirt. The entire GI tract of worms, from the mouth to the other end where waste is excreted, was designed for this purpose. Cows are designed to eat grass, and their GI tracts are set up perfectly for this. They have big, round, flat teeth used to grind grasses and an unbelievable range of motion in their mandibles, allowing them to chew, chew, chew, and chew. Cows have a lot of range of motion laterally in their jaws. Dogs and cats do not have this range of motion in their jaws. Their jaws move up and down only, like a trap door or a hinge, because dogs and cats are gulpers, not chewers. They dont have chewing teeth. Windows Snapshot Maker V1.1 there. Dogs and cats have incredibly sharp interlocking teeth designed to rip and tear flesh. They also have very short GI tracts compared to vegetarian animals that need to ferment foods, as carnivorous animals consume foods with potentially very heavy pathogen loads. The bodies of carnivores are designed to get foods in and back out very quickly. The ancestral lifestyle of a carnivore includes lots of variety and seasonal variability, meaning certain prey was more prevalent at certain times of the year. They thrived consuming fresh, living, whole animals. But carnivorous animals do not eat clean foods. Dogs and cats did not evolve to consume sterile foods. They have digestive tracts that are designed to be resilient and handle the loads of naturally occurring bacteria that are present in the foods they eat. Their food in the wild was moisture dense, meaning the prey they consumed was primarily water. The carnivorous lifestyle required a tremendous amount of exercise and exertion. Food was not served to them, so they had to stealthily catch it. This provided intense stimulation of all the senses, plus nervous, skeletal, endocrine, and circulatory system involvement. Carnivorous animals had daily rigorous workouts in an attempt to catch enough food to stay alive. Most Pet Food is Biologically Inappropriate for Dogs and Cats. Whats very important for pet owners to know is that pet food is a relatively new concept. So, dog food and cat food you buy from the supermarket has only been around a little over a hundred years. However, animals have hunted prey or, in the case of dogs, scavenged for millions of years. And although recent research suggests domesticated carnivores were able to adapt to some degree to starch in the diet as humans became planters and farmers of grains, dogs and cats have most definitely not evolved into vegetarians over time. Over the last hundred years, major pet food companies have produced most of their products using a base of corn, wheat, rice, or potato. However, our carnivorous pets have not evolved to be able to process those foreign foods. The good news is dogs and cats are adaptable and resilient unlike other species, for example, snakes. If we suddenly forced snakes to eat grains or consume vegetation, they would simply die, demonstrating rather visibly and quickly that they were not provided the correct food source. Dogs and cats are among the most resilient animals on the planet. They are able to withstand really significant nutritional abuse, in my opinion, without dying. Degeneration does occur as the result of an inappropriate diet, but sudden death does not. So one of the reasons weve been able to deceive ourselves into believing convenience pet foods are good for dogs and cats is because they dont die immediately of acute starvation. For a hundred years our pets have been fed inappropriate diets that have kept them alive, but far from thriving like their wild relatives. Instead, weve created dozens of generations of nutritionally weakened animals that suffer from degenerative diseases linked to nutritional deficiencies a link the traditional veterinary community has not acknowledged. The Pottenger cat study is one example of how our current system of nourishing pets creates chronic disease. The truth is that our pet population provides a place for recycling waste from the human food industry. Grains that fail inspection, uninspected pieces and parts of waste from the seafood industry, leftover restaurant grease, deceased livestock, and even roadkill is collected and disposed of through rendering a process that converts all sorts of human food industry waste into raw materials for the pet food industry. These raw materials are purchased by huge pet food manufacturers makers of the big name brands your parents and friends have probably used for the last 5. These manufacturers blend the rendered fat and meat with a large amount of starch fillers. They add bulk vitamin and mineral supplements, and then they extrude the mix at high temperatures, creating all sorts of toxic reactions including advanced glycation end products and heterocyclic amines. They call this pet food and sell it to customers at an unbelievable profit. Is the entire system flawed Yes. But pet food industry giants are realizing that pet owners are becoming more educated about their flawed system, and they are trying to clean up their image.