In this segment of a special QA on Star Wars The Clone Wars The Lost Missions, supervising director Dave Filoni, Tom Kane Yoda, and Matt Lanter Anakin. Synopsis, cast and crew, and user comments. List of cast and crew, filming locations, tag lines, and a trailer. Season 5 of Game of Thrones was commissioned by HBO on April 8, 2014, following a substantial. Article 99 type Movie Current Status In Season mpaa R runtime 100 minutes performer Ray Liotta, Kiefer Sutherland, Kathy Baker, Keith David, John. The End Lost WikipediaThe End is the series finale of the ABC television series Lost, consisting of the 1. It is also the 1. As the final episode, it was first aired in the eastern United States and eastern Canada, and then aired simultaneously in the western United States, western Canada, and eight other countries. The finale was written by co creatorexecutive producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Carlton Cuse, and directed by executive producer Jack Bender. House of Cards Season 5 Trailer Kevin Spacey Threatens 25 Years of Underwood Reign Video. New Album Releases, get newly released hot albums and song lyrics here find the song meanings, music videos and artist bios. SAOdv03ThLM/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Lost Saga Season 5' title='Lost Saga Season 5' />When Timeless premiered, I described the show as Quantum Leap meets Lost. Tonights season ender is more than a little like the Lost finale redux, delivering. Unlike the previous season finales, which were two hours long with advertisements, the series finale was expanded by half an hour, running two and a half hours starting at 9 pm Eastern Daylight Time, with a retrospective of the past six seasons running for two hours, starting at 7 pm. The End was watched by 1. Americans and initially received a strongly polarized response from both fans and critics. Reviewers from the Chicago Tribune and IGN called it the best episode of the season and praised its emotion and character. Reviews from the Los Angeles Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer criticized the finale for answering so few of the series questions. Web site Metacritic gave The End a score of 7. The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph reported mostly negative reviews. Retrospective reviews have been more negative, with the episode now being remembered as one of the worst series finales of all time. In the episode, the Man in Black Terry OQuinn executes his plan to destroy the island as Jack Shephard Matthew Fox tries to stop him once and for all. Meanwhile, the true nature of this seasons flash sideways narrative device is revealed. On the islandeditJack Shephard Matthew Fox, Kate Austen Evangeline Lilly and Hugo Hurley Reyes Jorge Garcia head to the heart of the island, while James Sawyer Ford Josh Holloway goes after Desmond Hume Henry Ian Cusick, who was thrown into a well. Arriving there, Sawyer is confronted by Ben Linus Michael Emerson and the Man in Black Terry OQuinn, who reveals his plan to destroy the island. Sawyer then steals Bens rifle and reunites with Jacks group. Jack then tells Sawyer that he plans to confront the Man in Black. At the same time, Desmond, having been rescued by Rose Henderson L. Scott Caldwell and Bernard Nadler Sam Anderson, is confronted by the Man in Black. The Man in Black threatens to kill Rose and Bernard if Desmond does not come with him, and he complies, provided the Man in Black leaves the couple unharmed. Meanwhile, Miles Straume Ken Leung finds a no longer ageless. Richard Alpert Nestor Carbonell in the jungle, and they set out by boat to destroy the Ajira plane which would allow the Man in Black to escape. Along the way, they rescue Frank Lapidus Jeff Fahey, who had survived the destruction of the submarine, and they decide to leave the island by using the plane. On the way to the heart of the Island, Jacks group encounters the Man in Blacks group. Jack tells the Man in Black that he is going to kill him, and together with Desmond, they travel to the heart of the Island. Jack believes that Desmond can kill the Man in Black because he thinks Jacob brought him back not as bait but as a weapon. Desmond tells Jack that destroying the island and killing the Man in Black do not matter because he is going down to the heart of the island and leaving for another place. Jack and the Man in Black lower Desmond down to the heart of the island and he reaches a chamber, leading to a glowing pool with an elongated stone at its center. Immune to the pools electromagnetic energy, Desmond manages to remove the giant stone stopper in the center of the pool. However, the light goes out and the pool dries up, setting about the destruction of the island which the Man in Black predicted. A result of Desmonds act is an unforeseen side effect of making the Man in Black mortal again. During a prolonged fight, the Man in Black stabs Jack in the same spot where his appendix was taken out and almost kills him when Kate shoots the Man in Black in the back, allowing Jack to kick him off the cliff to his death. The island continues to crumble and Jack realizes that he has to restore the light of the heart of the Island. He tells Kate to get Claire Littleton Emilie De Ravin on the plane and leave the island in case he fails. The two profess their love for each other and Kate leaves with Sawyer while Hurley and Ben follow Jack back to the pool. Kate and Sawyer travel to Hydra Island via Desmonds boat Elizabeth, to the site of the Ajira Airlines plane where Lapidus, Richard and Miles have been quickly trying to make it air worthy. Kate convinces Claire she can help her raise Aaron and they head for the plane. After Kate, Sawyer and Claire board the plane, Lapidus successfully gets it off the island. Jack leads Hurley and Ben back to the heart of the Island, where Jack convinces an emotional Hurley to take over as the protector of the island, stating Hurley was always meant to be the leader. Hurley and Ben lower Jack to the dry pool where he rescues a barely conscious Desmond. Jack manages to restore the light by replacing the stone plug, and is enveloped in the light that surrounds him. Hurley, in his role as the new protector of the island, does not know what to do. Ben tells him he should help Desmond get home and suggests there may be a better way of protecting the island than how Jacob did. Hurley asks him for help, and Ben is honored. Jack reawakens outside by a river and walks toward the bamboo forest. After Jack collapses to the ground, Vincent approaches him and lies next to him. Jack gazes happily at the sky while watching the Ajira plane fly overhead away from the island. Jack slowly closes his eyes as he dies. Desmond gathers many of the islanders at the benefit concert of Daniel Widmore Jeremy Davies and Drive. Shaft. One by one, each protagonist begins to recognize one another based on close contact with a person or object that was important to them throughout their time on the island, receiving flashes of memory. Eventually, most of them remember their past lives and are drawn to the church that was to be the site of Jacks fathers funeral. John Locke Terry OQuinn regains the use of his legs after being successfully operated on by Jack. After remembering his time on the island through the flashes of memory, Locke attempts to convince Jack of the truth, but Jack, although also experiencing flashes of memory, resists the revelation. Locke later meets Ben outside the church where Locke forgives him for murdering him. Ben then meets Hurley, who says everyone is inside, motioning him to join them, but Ben elects to stay outside. As Hurley heads back inside, he says to Ben that he was a real good number two., to which Ben replies back that Hurley was a great number one. Kate later encounters Jack, and while her presence causes him to experience more flashes, he continues to resist. She takes him to the church and instructs him to enter though the back door, telling him the others will be waiting for him. In the church, he enters a room where there are symbols not just of Christianity, but also of other faiths such as Hinduism, Judaism, Islam etc. He then encounters his fathers coffin. He opens the coffin lid and discovers it to be empty. Smallville 2 Temporada Dublada Rmvb. Christian Shephard John Terry then appears behind him. Jack slowly comes to realize that he is dead as well.