Get Started Start developing on Amazon Web Services using one of our prebuilt sample apps. Control the tonal quality of Amazon Pollys voice output with the new vocaltractlength Speech Synthesis Markup Language SSML tag. Adjusting the vocal tract. Please note that Data Crow has its very own Youtube channel with tutorials on a growing number of topics. Chinese or other characters not displayed correctly. MPImage08.png' alt='Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not Found' title='Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not Found' />The database recognizes 1,746,000 software titles and delivers updates for your software including minor upgrades. Top 40 Open Source and Free Business Intelligence Software 2017 Review of 40 business intelligence Software covering 1 Free Open Source Business Intelligence. Design Pro 5.0 Sign Edition. Jaspersoft+Studio.png' alt='Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not Found' title='Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not Found' />Introduction. In iReport, you can set up multiple datasources within the same report. This is especially useful when dealing with table, list and subreport components. Posted On Nov 1. Starting today, Amazon Redshift allows Superusers to grant regular users access to all rows in selected system tables and views. Posted On Nov 1. Starting today, Amazon Redshift improves query performance by automatically moving read and write queries to the next matching queue without restarting the moved queries. This enhancement to Workload Management enables more efficient use of resources to improve query performance. Posted On Nov 1. AWS Database Migration Service DMS offers two new ways to validate your database migration pre migration validation and post migration data validation. Posted On Nov 1. Starting today you can easily restore a new Amazon RDS for My. SQL database instance from a backup of your existing My. SQL database, including My. SQL databases running on Amazon EC2 or outside of AWS. This is done by creating a backup using the Percona Xtra. Backup tool and uploading the resulting files to an Amazon S3 bucket. You then create a new Amazon RDS DB Instance from the backup files in Amazon S3, directly through the RDS Console or AWS Command Line Interface. Posted On Nov 1. Jaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not FoundJaspersoft Studio Query Parameter Not FoundYou can now resolve comments, organize comments with filters, and disable email notifications for files. This makes it easier to keep track of your feedback, disable the notifications not relevant to you, and focus on the feedback that matters. Posted On Nov 1. Customers can now query Amazon S3 Inventory with standard SQL language using Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and other tools such as Presto, Hive, and Spark. You can easily get started by pointing Amazon Athena to the S3 Inventory report in ORC or CSV format with a few clicks, run ad hoc queries, and get results in seconds. This is available in all AWS Regions where Athena is available. Learn more by visiting our developer guide. Posted On Nov 1. Starting today, you can use Aurora Auto Scaling to automatically add or remove Aurora Replicas in response to changes in performance metrics specified by you. Oriya Unicode Converter Software. Aurora Replicas share the same underlying volume as the primary instance and are well suited for read scaling. With Aurora Auto Scaling, you can specify a desired value for predefined metrics of your Aurora Replicas such as average CPU utilization or average active connections. You can also create a custom metric for Aurora Replicas to use it with Aurora Auto Scaling. Aurora Auto Scaling adjusts the number of Aurora Replicas to keep the selected metric closest to the value specified by you. For example, an increase in traffic could cause the average CPU utilization of your Aurora Replicas to go up and beyond your specified value. New Aurora Replicas are automatically added by Aurora Auto Scaling to support this increased traffic. Similarly, when CPU utilization goes below your set value, Aurora Replicas are terminated so that you dont pay for unused DB instances. Posted On Nov 1. You can now record configuration changes to Classic Load Balancers CLB using AWS Config and track changes to load balancer configuration attributes, such as subnets, security groups, stickiness policies, listeners, and health checks. Posted On Nov 1. AWS Database Migration Service DMS now supports installing a local replication agent on premises and can now migrate data to the AWS cloud with AWS Snowball, a petabyte scale data transport solution. Snowball uses secure physical appliances to transfer large amounts of data into and out of the AWS cloud. Posted On Nov 1. Amazon RDS for SQL Server now supports Microsoft SQL Server 2. SQL Server 2. 01. SP1 CU5 for Express, Web, Standard and Enterprise Editions on the Windows Operating Systems. You can now leverage SQL Server 2. Graph. DB, Automatic Plan Correction, and Resumable Index Rebuilds on your Amazon RDS SQL Server Instances. Posted On Nov 1. Spot Fleet now supports a new type of scaling policy called target tracking scaling policies that you can use to set up dynamic scaling for your application in just a few simple steps. Adding Auto Scaling to your Spot Fleet is one way to maximize the benefits of AWS. Auto Scaling helps you build systems that respond to changes in demand by automatically launching or terminating Amazon EC2 instances based on conditions that you define. This dynamic scaling helps to improve application availability and reduce costs. For example, you can use Auto Scaling to automatically launch EC2 instances for your Spot Fleet when demand increases to help maintain performance, and terminate instances when demand drops to save money. Posted On Nov 1. Amazon Connect now provides contact flow logs for real time details about events in your contact flows. Contact flows are used to define the path a customer takes to resolve their issue. You can view the contact flow logs to understand what is happening during the interaction, and quickly identify areas for improvement in your contact center. Posted On Nov 1. Amazon Connect contact flow importexport beta enables you to import contact flows into, and export contact flows from, your Amazon Connect instance. Contact flows are used to define the path a customer takes to resolve their issue. Now you can easily move your contact flows from a test environment to a production environment, copy them from one region to another as you expand your customer service organization, or share contact flows with others. Exported contact flows can be used to create backup copies and used as version control for your contact flows. Posted On Nov 1. Amazon Simple Email Service SES introduces two new features that can help to protect your sender reputation email pausing and configuration set reputation metrics. Posted On Nov 1. Beginning today, you can use the Amazon Route 5. API to view your current limits on Route 5. The same APIs also return how many of each resource youre currently using. This lets you see how close you are to reaching a service limit at any time. Posted On Nov 1. Amazon EC2 is announcing an increase to the monthly service commitment in the EC2 Service Level Agreement SLA, for both EC2 and EBS, to 9. This increased commitment is the result of continuous investment in our infrastructure and quality of service. This change is effective immediately in all regions, and is available to all EC2 customers. Posted On Nov 1. You can now locally test and debug your deployment through the updated AWS Code. Deploy agent. The updated agent is a software package that, when installed on an instance, enables the instance to be used in Code. Deploy deployments and provides a command line interface for troubleshooting. Posted On Nov 1. In September 2. Amazon Web Services announced the new Amazon EC2 X1e instance family with the launch of the x. This Amazon EC2 instance size offers 3,9. Gi. B of DRAM available in four AWS regions, enabling customers to run larger in memory databases such as SAP HANA. Today, five additional sizes x. X1e Memory Optimized instance family are being made available. Offering the highest memory per v. CPU and one of the lowest price per Gi. Download Software Rekam Medis. B memory among Amazon EC2 instance types, the new X1e instance sizes are ideally suited for high performance databases, in memory databases and other memory intensive enterprise applications. Posted On Nov 1. AWS Ops. Works now supports Puppet Enterprise, offering a fully managed configuration management service that hosts Puppet Enterprise and maintains Puppet master servers.