Free Pascal Wikipedia. Free Pascal Compiler FPC is a compiler for the closely related programming language dialects, Pascal and Object Pascal. It is free software released under the GNU General Public License. It supports its own Object Pascal dialect as well as the dialects of several other Pascal family compilers to a certain extent, including those of Turbo Pascal, Delphi, and some historical Macintosh compilers. The dialect is selected on a per unit module basis, and more than one dialect can be used per program. It follows a write once, compile anywhere philosophy, and is available for many CPU architectures and operating systems see Targets. It supports integrated assembly language and an internal assembler in several dialects. Separate projects exist to facilitate developing cross platformgraphical user interface GUI applications, the most prominent one being the Lazarusintegrated development environment IDE. Supported dialectseditInitially, Free Pascal adopted the de facto standard dialect of Pascal programmers, Borland Pascal but later on adopted Delphi. From version 2. 0 on, Delphi 7 compatibility has been continuously implemented or improved. The project has a compilation mode concept and the developers made it clear that they would incorporate working patches for the standardized dialects of the American National Standards Institute ANSI and International Organization for Standardization ISO, to create a standards compliant mode. Delphi 7 Portable Gratis' title='Delphi 7 Portable Gratis' />A small effort has been made to support some of the Apple Pascal syntax to ease interfacing to the Classic Mac OS and mac. OS. Since the Apple dialect implements some standard Pascal features that Turbo Pascal and Delphi omit, Free Pascal is a bit more ISO compatible than these. The 2. 2. x release series does not significantly change the dialect objectives beyond Delphi 7, instead they aim for closer compatibility. The project still lacks the Delphi functionality of compiler supported exporting of classes from shared libraries, which is useful, for example, for Lazarus, which implements packages of components. As of 2. 01. 1update, several Delphi 2. Download PortableApps. Portable software for USB, portable, and cloud drives. PortableApps. com is the worlds most popular portable software solution. This free Code 39 font is available in medium size and can be used in a variety of different operating systems and application. Supported dialects. Initially, Free Pascal adopted the de facto standard dialect of Pascal programmers, Borland Pascal but later on adopted Delphi. Download32 is online software download source for shareware, freeware and demos. Your download destination for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and PDA. Delphi 2. 00. 9 most notably the addition of the Unicode. String type was completed. The development branch also features an Objective Pascal extension for Objective C Cocoa interfacing. As of version 2. 7. Free Pascal implemented basic ISO Pascal mode, though many things such as Get and Put procedure and file buffer variable concept for file handling were still absent. As of version 3. 0. ISO Pascal mode is fairly complete, with one remaining bug thats fixed in 3. Operating Systems, freeware and nonfree, such as Linux, FreeBSD, BeOS, Zeta, Unix, RiscOS, Amiga, DOSclones, Windowsemulators, etc. It has been able to compile standardpascal. P5 with no changes. HistoryeditEarly yearseditFree Pascal was created when Borland clarified that Borland Pascal development for DOS would stop with version 7, to be replaced by a Windows only product, which later became Delphi. Student Florian Paul Klmpfl began developing his own compiler written in the Turbo Pascal dialect and produced 3. GO3. 2v. 1 DOS extender, which was used and developed by the DJs GNU Programming Platform DJGPP project at that time. Originally, the compiler was a 1. DOS executable compiled by Turbo Pascal. After two years, the compiler was able to compile itself and became a 3. ExpansioneditThe initial 3. Internet, and the first contributors joined the project. Later, a Linux port was created by Michael van Canneyt, five years before the Borland Kylix compiler became available. The DOS port was adapted for use in OS2 using the Eberhard Mattes e. Xtender EMX which made OS2 the second supported compiling target. As well as Florian Klmpfl the original author, Danil Mantione also contributed significantly to make this happen, providing the original port of the run time library to OS2 and EMX. The compiler improved gradually, and the DOS version migrated to the GO3. This culminated in release 0. Turbo Pascal compliance later releases added a Delphi compatibility mode. This release was also ported to systems using a Motorola 6. With release 0. 9. Win. 32 target was added, and a start was made with incorporating some Delphi features. Stabilizing for a non beta release began, and version 1. July 2. 00. 0. The 1. For the 1. 0. x releases, the port to 6. CPU was redone, and the compiler produced stable code for several 6. Unix like and Amiga. OS operating systems. Version 2editDuring the stabilization of what would become 1. Motorola 6. 8k systems, it was clear that the design of the code generator was far too limited in many aspects. The principal problems were that adding processors meant rewriting the code generator, and that the register allocation was based on the principle of always keeping three free registers between building blocks, which was inflexible and difficult to maintain. For these reasons, the 1. December 1. 99. 9. At first, changes were mostly clean ups and rewrite redesigns to all parts of the compiler. Speed Dragon 2013 more. The code generator and register allocator were also rewritten. Any remaining missing Delphi compatibility was added. The work on 1. 1. In late 2. 00. 3, a working Power. PC port became available, followed by an ARM port in summer 2. SPARC port in fall 2. AMD6. 4 port in early 2. In November 2. 00. These were quickly followed by versions 1. OS X support. The work continued with version 1. January 2. 00. 5, 1. February 2. 00. 5, 2. May 2. 00. 5, 2. December 2. August 2. 00. 6. Version 2. In 2. Some of the motives for this roadmap change were the needs of the Lazarus project, particularly the internal linker, support for Win. Windows CE, and OS X on x. DWARF. After betas 2. September 2. 00. 7, followed by version 2. August 2. 00. 8 and version 2. March 2. 00. 9. The 2. Active. X and Component Object Model COM interface, and Object Linking and Embedding OLE, though bugs were still being found. The delegation to interface using the implements keyword was partly implemented, but was not complete as of March 2. Library support for Active. X was also improved. Hearts Of Iron Doomsday Patch 1.3. Another major feature was the internal linker for Win. Win. 64, and Windows CE, which greatly improve linking time and memory use, and make the compile link run cycle in Lazarus much faster. The efficiency for smart linking, or dead code elimination, was also improved. Minor new features included improved DWARF 23 debug format support, and optimizations such as tail recursion, omission of unneeded stack frames and register based common subexpression elimination CSE optimization. A first implementation of generic programming generics support also became available, but only experimentally. Version 2. 4. xeditThe 2. The unit system rewrite was postponed again, and the branch that became 2. Mostly these risky commits were more involved improvements to the new platforms, Mac Power. PC 6. 4, Mac x. 86 6. Phone, and many fixes to the ARM and x. DWARF. Other compiler improvements included whole program optimization WPO and devirtualization and ARM embedded application binary interface EABI support. Later, during the 2. Delphi like resource support based on special sections in the binary instead of Pascal constants was added. This feature, direly needed by Lazarus, became the main highlight of the branch. Other more minor additions were a memory manager that improved heap manager performance in threaded environments, small improvements in Delphi compatibility such as Ole. Variant, and improvements in interfacedelegation. On January 1, 2. 01. Free Pascal 2. 4.