Elon Musk Launches Mystery Website, X. Elon Musk just announced the launch of a new website, x. The billionaire founder of Tesla and Space. X made the announcement on Twitter at 1 2. Pacific time this morning. But so far there isnt much to look at. The website is just a single letter X. Musk formerly owned x. Pay. Pal thats how he made his fortune but lost the domain when the company went public and he left. Musk purchased the domain back for an undisclosed sum earlier this month. Guesses for how much he paid are in the 8 figure range, but nobody knows for sure. In 1. 99. 3, ICANN, the international group that regulates internet domain names, decided that single letter domain names would no longer be available for sale. The six domains that had already been scooped up were grandfathered in, including q. In 2. 00. 5, ICANN toyed with the idea of freeing up the single letter domains, but that didnt happen. There are now plenty of other single digit domains, including Twitters link shortener t. Facebooks Messenger shortcut m. Q, X and Z are the only. Musk has promised that x. No one really knows. Bravo Two Zero A Question Of Betrayal DefinitionWhats your guess What do you suppose Musk plans to do with x. Will he use it for one of his existing companies like Space. X or Tesla Or will this be for a new venture, perhaps exploring his love of floorsPowerhungry, knowledgeable and infinitely cunning, Albert Wesker was a man who sought power and. Transcend Usb Drive Driver Download Full Version more. Bravo Two Zero A Question Of Betrayal Poems' title='Bravo Two Zero A Question Of Betrayal Poems' />The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. As Hurricane Harvey churns onward toward southwest Texas, astronauts on the International Space Station caught a glimpse of the monster cyclone from a safe viewing. Bravo Two Zero was the call sign of an eightman British Army SAS patrol, deployed into Iraq during the First Gulf War in January 1991. According to Chris Ryans. Bravo Two Zero A Question Of Betrayal Of Trust' title='Bravo Two Zero A Question Of Betrayal Of Trust' />Bravo Two Zero A Question Of Betrayal Meaning
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